Saturday, March 3, 2012

Fridays beauty favorite is Garnier BB Cream!

  Another Friday rolls around and it's finally sunny and warm here. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it stays like this for at least a couple more days! Okay so I've heard a lot about BB Creams in the beauty world and wondered what the hype was all about. I have a great moisturizer, sunscreen, face primer already, so why would I use BB cream? Well I went to my local Target and found Garnier Skin Renew Miracle Skin Perfector BB Cream. I was immediately excited to give this a try because its a "miracle skin perfector".
  They have two different shades a light/ medium and a medium/deep shade. I chose the light/ medium shade for my skin tone. I still need a couple more days to give it my opinion, but so far I'm liking it!! Let's just say I've been using just this in place of my foundation. Now that's a nice way to simplify my morning beauty routine! I'll be back again with my final thoughts. But in the meantime, if your at Target or your local drugstore, take a sneak peak at the BB creams out there. You might just get this "miracle skin perfecter" in a bottle a life saver!